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Nahastagailuen Kamioia

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ZHONGKE JUFENG 5,5 metro kubiko nahaste-kamioia

ZHONGKE JUFENG 5,5 metro kubiko nahaste-kamioia

Introducing the ZHONGKE JUFENG 5.5 Cubic Meters Mixer Truck, a state-of-the-art vehicle designed to deliver consistent and efficient mixing of concrete, cement, and other construction materials.

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ZHONGKE JUFENG 3,5 metro kubiko nahaste-kamioia

ZHONGKE JUFENG 3,5 metro kubiko nahaste-kamioia

With a ZHONGKE JUFENG 3.5 Cubic Meters Mixer Truck, this mixer truck can carry an impressive amount of concrete. The drum is made of high-quality steel and is coated with a special material to prevent rusting and abrasion.

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Txinako Nahastagailuen Kamioia fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile profesionala, fabrika propioa dugu. Ongi etorri kalitate handiko Nahastagailuen Kamioia gurekin erostera. Eskaintza egokia emango dizugu. Elkarlanean jar gaitezen etorkizun hobea eta elkarrekiko onura sortzeko.
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